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About Mabijo Productions

Mabijo productions (PTY)LTD WAS ESTABLISHED IN 2010.It is a registered company that houses all products NGOs, Companies an individuals. The company focuses on 2D and 3D animation, Print media and Web design.The business idea emanate from the Mabijo’’concept of humorous edutainment .With the skills we have we help organizations in running from the ‘’Mabijos’’ concept of humorous edutainment. With the skills we have help organizations inn running educational campaigns and sensitize the public on certain issues.

To help run a campaign we do cartoons for newspapers, Flyers, brouchers, booklets, Posters and Billboards for print and also motion graphics and animation for television, developing on the needs of a client.

Apart from the services provided by Mabijo productions, the company also Merchandise which consist of t-shirt , cups, school bags, cups, water bottles, etc. The Mabijo products are also based on this concept of human edutainment.

Mabijo production is composed of a team of young vibrant designers and Marketing department that are talent when it comes to the field of creative design;covering fields like 3D Modelling, 3D animation,Graphics both print and TV ,Book layouts and story telling comic books we can mention them the whole day,This team is a wonderful team to work with.


Unstoppable team with flow of humurous edutainment designs and illustrations.